Craft Legend: the misadventure in the deep( not that deep )

Hello the triggered adventurer is back,

     Once again follow the short adventure I have done in the underground its much larger than I thought deep down there I'm not even half way down maybe I just venture 5% under there but  one thing for sure it was deep down there and very dark and has many resources bit its hard to find because the lighting down there is bad even with using torch.
I find some new monster like a mimic doen there, and when I reach Lv.10 I notice that there are mobs thag is gone and added as well the giant mushroom mini boss is gone and when night falls sometimes zombie horde comes and raid base it and it seems they are more stronger than the goblin horde.
The Goblin horde attack stopped for now, it's not clear to me if it got replaced by the zombie horde atack.
With the recent attack coming from the zombie wood house seems to be not enough for defence they destroy one of my wood door so currently I'm trying to get stone blocks.
  • The item bought at the merchant will refresh after a day. 
  • Always do the slot machine event you can do 30 try when using one energy (mostly depend the energy you bet) the energy will be replenished every 30 minutes.

It seems I'm making more videos for Craft Legend than Honkai Impact the truth is that its much easier to record this game because it didnt need much attention as I can let it idle for awhile when some one calls for me.
