Let's Play Postknight! 1

Hello guy's it my new job(actually game) I'm taking, I'm now your Mr. Postman wait I mean Triggered Postknight.

I give up playing runescape after it seems my account or character got deleted and I don't quite understand a bit if I get it right when I tried playing that game again, I don't know if I get it wrong but in one section of the tutorial I seemingly read that ( somehow read this time I skipped it last time) there seems to be a voting system them  and it seems if you are not a member and after an update and the vote doesnt reach a certain percent your character will get deleted or something so I lost motivation on playing it when I read that part (but noted I didn't know if I read it right or if my understanding of that part of the tutorial is clear).

Anyway now lets begin the day at my post:
